A Liturgy for the Remembrance of Baptism
From the chaotic waters of creation
To the tumultuous seas of the unknown
Down the gutters of the streets
And from the guttural cries of our heart
In all of its forms, water is sacred, holy, and good.
The very essence stands as a biblical reminder
of Love and of Grace, of Mercy and of Strength,
Of Life, Of Growth, Of Tomorrow and of Today.
It pours down from the heavens in uncontrollable streams.
In thunder the voices of the margins cry out.
In lightning the reality of the moment is shown.
In the winds we are pushed to new understandings.
In the storm God moves with us, nudges us, reminds us
Not of the Kingdom of harm, but of the Kin-dom of Humanity.
The still and quiet waters of baptism call us close.
Settling qualms and disdains.
Proving that Misphat, righteous justice, is possible.
These still and quiet waters… urge us to move.
These still and quiet waters… encourage us to speak
These still and quiet waters… implore us to act with steadfast justice
halting oppression, upending systems, deconstructing toxic theological waste.
We are called to this water, because we too are a living, breathing, and flowing people
We are the collective waters of new creation.
We are the bond shaking waters of liberation.
We are the soothing waters of healing balm
Despite all that has been spoken over us, told to us, or said about us, Whenever we come together,
We become the river of justice.
We become the ever flowing stream.
We become the beautiful waters of new creation.
Let it be so.